Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ceylinco VIP - Motorcycle
Ceylinco VIP is the most comprehensive vehicle insurance policy available in Sri Lanka.
The Ceylinco VIP On The Spot cover can be obtained by motorcyclists.

On The Spot settlement of claims.Emergency road assistance service for lady drivers, together with a plastic surgery cover.365-day, 24-hour island-wide service, at no extra premium.
Ceylinco VIP - Commerical Vehicle

Ceylinco VIP is the most comprehensive vehicle insurance policy available in Sri Lanka.


The Ceylinco VIP On The Spot cover can be obtained by commercial vehicle owners,


On The Spot settlement of claims.Emergency road assistance service for lady drivers, together with a plastic surgery cover.365-day, 24-hour island-wide service, at no extra premium.

Celinco On The Spot

Ceylinco VIP - Private Car
Ceylinco VIP is the most comprehensive vehicle insurance policy available in SriLanka.
The Ceylinco VIP On The Spot cover can be obtained by private vehicle owners.

On The Spot settlement of claims. A similar replacement vehicle for repairs that exceed four days.Emergency road assistance service for lady drivers, together with a plastic surgery cover.
A cover for Rs.200,000/- per person, in case of death due to an accident.365-day, 24-hour island-wide service, at no extra premium.

Contact Person : Irwin Jayawardena
Telephone : 011 4705705
Fax : 0 11 4705700
E-Mail :

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Ceylinco Consolidated,
13, Dickman's Lane,
Colombo 4,
Sri Lanka.

Social Responsibiltiy

Sarana International (Pvt) Ltd., has its roots in the compassion of one man towards the less fortunate of our land. Today, it has become the passion of over 30,000 donors who are members of the Ceylinco family. Founded on sympathy, fuelled by empathy, it is a one-of-its-kind charity organisation in Sri Lanka. Operations are conducted with the fervour of any profit oriented corporate body. Under the charismatic leadership of its founder, Deshamanya Dr. Lalith Kotelawala, today the Sarana Fund carries out on an average of 750 donations per month. This translates in to over one donation every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sarana strictly follows a policy of no discrimination. All its donations are made with no consideration for cast, creed, religion, ethnicity or any other social factor. Being in need is the one and only qualification.
Ceylinco Consultancy & Allied Services

Incorporated in 1987, the company now consists of two divisions: the Legal Division and the Secretarial Division. Legal Division provides legal advisory services to corporate clients in areas such as litigation, arbitration, custodial services, notarial services, and the drafting of contracts. The Secretarial Division provides secretarial services for quoted companies, registrars to public issues, rights and bonus issues, and also effects the incorporation of companies. In its effort to maintain a high standard of professionalism, the company also provides fund management and real estate consultancy services.
Ceylinco CISCO Security Corporation

Established in 1977, the company commenced operations by providing security guard services to business premises and residences. In 1995, the company forged an alliance with the Singapore Government's Commercial and Industrial Corporation (CISCO). Backed strongly by the expertise and professionalism of CISCO, the new joint venture thus elevated the level of its security personnel, security and services to an international level. The company offers a wide range of loss prevention services, such as static guard services, electronic security services, Central Alarm Monitoring Services, security transport services, cash management, data storage, VIP protection, and investigation. A well-equipped training centre equips security personnel to be the best in the country. The company has also extended its reach to the Maldives.

People and Partnerships

People and Partnerships
One of Ceylinco's major strengths is its widespread domestic network. It consists of over 100 subsidiary companies, with over 350 offices and a team of over 21,000 employees. They, together, provide customer-focused, specialised products and services to customers in Sri Lanka and abroad. Ceylinco Consolidated's commitment to its customers and stakeholders is manifested by its partnership with over 40,000 corporate organisations, 20,000 institutions, and more than 4,000 government bodies. The strong equity base enjoyed by Ceylinco is evident in the trust and confidence of a customer base of over 1.5 million. Building a successful relationship with their partners, their buyers, and the society in which we thrive - has been the undoubtable secret of their dominant position today.

A Centre of Excellence

A Centre of Excellence
Ceylinco Consolidated holds the status of being among Sri Lanka's biggest corporate houses. Over the years, "change" for Ceylinco employees has always been equated with new opportunity for growth - a challenge they have seized to our advantage, and this hunger to succeed has kept Ceylinco ahead of its time. Diversification, innovation, and a strongly people-oriented culture have laid the foundations of Ceylinco Consolidated's rapid growth and expansion. At Ceylinco Consolidated, they strive to make their business empire a centre of excellence, where breakthrough in performance is achieved constantly, as they forge towards world class standards.

Core Business Interests

Core Business Interests

Ceylinco Consolidated now includes over 100 subsidiaries and associated companies, an empire built on the firm foundation of trust and integrity. They have currently expanded in to sectors such as banking, insurance, real estate, tourism, jewellery, diamonds and IT. There structure is stabilised by providing efficient services and the practicing highest professional and ethical standards.
They have bestowed upon society the care and social responsibility that is the very pedestal of social and economical development of a country. It is their vision of more than 60 years that makes us strong and capable of offering our clients services to their paramount satisfaction. It is their ambition to succeed that has provided us the necessary tools to provide protection and financial security of the highest standards to society.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What they offer

Ceylinco Insurance offers a vast array of benefits to all its employees. These range from medical and financial benefits to welfare benefits and performance based benefits.

  • Medical Benefits:
  • Financial Benefits:
  • Medical Benefits:
  • Welfare Benefits:
  • Performance Benefits:
Medical Benefits:
Suwa Sampatha – All employees and their dependents will be covered under this policy. The expenses incurred as a result of a hospitalisation will be reimbursed to the employees. Such reimbursements range to cover the clerical and minor staff to senior managers and above. The Company will also pay 75% of amounts that exceed the stipulated benefit.
Personal Accident Benefits – A worldwide Personal Accident Insurance Cover, valid for 24 hours is provided to all employees. Compensation benefits are available for Clerical and Minor Staff to Senior Managers. Moreover, employees will also be entitled to Group Life Insurance Cover, under which they will obtain Critical Illness Cover for 20 specified Critical Illnesses (treated locally or abroad) and Life Insurance Cover, where dependents will be compensated in the event of the death of a permanent employee.
Financial Benefits:
Annual Bonus – Based on the net profits earned for the year, an Annual Bonus will be declared by the Company.
Profit Bonus – In addition to the Annual Bonus declared by the Company,a desided precentage of the net profits earned by the profit centre is equally distributed periodically amongst employees of the profit centre.
Housing Loan – Employees who have completed three years in service after confirmation are entitled to apply for a housing loan from any financial institution. A decided precentage on the interest payable will be reimbursed by the Company.
Numerous other financial benefits are on offer to employees as well.
Welfare Benefits:
Ceylinco believes in a corporate culture that fosters good health. In order to keep employees happy and mentally and physically fit, we have provided a well stocked Library and a fully equipped Gym. These facilities are open to all employees of Ceylinco Insurance.
Performance Benefits:
Annual Sales Conference – Special awards are presented at the Annual Sales Conference to employees in all categories, in recognition of their outstanding performance and contribution towards the company’s objective.
Pillars of Success – Awards are also accorded the non-sales staff, in recognition of outstanding performance and their invaluable contribution towards making the Company, what it is today.
Underwriters Award Ceremony

What they offer

What they offer

Ceylinco Insurance offers a vast array of benefits to all its employees. These range from medical and financial benefits to welfare benefits and performance based benefits.

  • Medical Benefits:
  • Personal Accident Benefits:

Medical Benefits:
Suwa Sampatha – All employees and their dependents will be covered under this policy. The expenses incurred as a result of a hospitalization will be reimbursed to the employees. Such reimbursements range to cover the clerical and minor staff to senior managers and above. The Company will also pay 75% of amounts that exceed the stipulated benefit.
Personal Accident Benefits – A worldwide Personal Accident Insurance Cover, valid for 24 hours is provided to all employees. Compensation benefits are available for Clerical and Minor Staff to Senior Managers. Moreover, employees will also be entitled to Group Life Insurance Cover, under which they will obtain Critical Illness Cover for 20 specified Critical Illnesses (treated locally or abroad) and Life Insurance Cover, where dependents will be compensated in the event of the death of a permanent employee.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Logo of Celinco Insuarance Company

celinco insurance

Ceylinco Insurance - General

The General Division of Ceylinco Insurance commenced in 1988, and it has been the market leader since 1994. The division's unique packaged policies provide total protection against almost every possible hazard.
The company was placed within the top four General Insurance Companies in Asia, competing with over 1,000 insurance companies and received this prestigious award at the fourth Asia Insurance Industry Awards Ceremony 2000, held in the Philippines. The company was also internationally recognised as an industry leader in product innovation, both in 1999 and 2001.
By developing an entire range of packaged products over the years and by providing risk management services, the company has been able to assist its clients in solving all their insurance needs. The General Division now has 65 branches island wide and also possesses mobile sales units, taking insurance to the doorstep of rural dwellers.